This tutorial is base on stone size 3.0 x1.8 cm. If you have bigger or smaller stone, the pattern will not be the same, you can add or reduce some cords as in instructions.
1. Oval shape stone, size 3.0 x1.8 cm.
2. Waxed cord small size 0.85 mm. (total around 33 meters)
- For stone wrapping = around 3.0 m.
- For necklace pattern
- 60 cm = 6-8 cords ( 4.8 m.)
3. Brass beads
- size 2.0 mm. 16 pieces
- size 2.4 mm. 21 pieces
- size 3.2 mm. 4 pieces
- size 4.0 mm. 5 pieces
- oval 6.0 mm. 4 pieces
Instructions :
There are 3 sections for making this necklace.
1. Base
2. Wing A
3. Wing B
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1. Base
- Wrap the stone following Lace style ( )
- There will be 8 cords at the end, flip the stone to the back side, bring 6 cords into the holding cord as in the picture.
- Then use left and right cord tying 3-5 spiral stitch or square knot to secure the end.
- Cut and burn all the cords.
- Work on the front side,
- Fold 60 cm cord into the half,
- On the bottom of the stone, thread 6 cords--60 cm. (more or less depend on your stone size) into the lace around stone, you will now get 12 cords , 30 cm. long each.
First row
- Fold the 180 cords into the half,
- On the Top Left of the stone, thread 6 cords --180 cm. (more or less depend on your stone size) into the lace around stone, you will now get 12 cords , 90 cm. long each
- Thread the same method with the Top Right of the stone.
- Use 2 middle cords at the top of the stone, tie 1 Square knot without filler. We will use this 2 cords as a holding cord for next step.
- There will be 2 sides of workpiece, left and right, check that there are equal cords on each side
- At the top of stone, use middle cord as a holding cords, tie double half hitch bar form 1 -17 cord. Start with 1st cord on left and right side first, then follow on each side 1-17.
- At the end, tie 2 holding cord with 1 Square knot without filler.
Second row
- Use last 90 cm. long cord as holding cord, tie double half hitch bar form 1 -6 cord. left and right side
- Now 2 holding cords on the left and right side are in the middle, tie them in the square knot without filler.
Third row
- Skip 1& 2 cords right and left side of your work.
- Use the cord next to the skip cords (3 rd cord) to be holding cords, tie double half hitch bar form 4 -7 cord. left and right side
- At the end tie 2 holding cords with 1 Square knot without filler.
- At the bottom, Thread beads into 2 middle cord. (I use 4.0 mm. and 2.4 mm. brass beads)
- Then tie 1 square knot without filler to secure the end.
- Cut and burn the cord to finish.
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2. Wing A
2. Wing A
- There are 11 long cord 90 cm. on each side.
- Use the most left cord as a holding cord, tie double half hitch bar (to the right) form 1-10 cord.
- Turn the holding cord to the left.
- Thread beads into the working cord before tying // 4.0 mm. into 8, 9 cord // 3.2 mm. into 6, 7 cord //2.4 mm into 5 cord.
- Tie double half hitch bar (to the left) form 10-1 cord.
- Then turn the holding cord to the right. Tie double half hitch bar (to the right) form 1-9 cord, skip 10 cord
- Turn the holding cord to the left. Thread beads into the working cord before tying // 4.0 mm. into 7, 8 cord // 3.2 mm. into 5, 6 cord //2.4 mm into 4 cord. Then tie double half hitch bar (to the left) form 9-1 cord.
- Tie 1 Square knot without filler with 2 middle cords, Then use this 2 cords as holding cord.
- On the left side, Tie double half hitch bar (to the left) form 1-2 cord. Then tying the same method with the right side.
- Thread 1 oval bead into 2 middle cords.
- Use the last holding cord, On the left side, Tie double half hitch bar (to the right) form 1-2 cord. Then tying the same method with the right side.
- At the end tie 2 holding cords with 1 Square knot without filler.
- Use the most left and right cord as holding cord.
- On the left side, Tie double half hitch bar (to the right) form 1-4 cord. Then tying the same method with the right side.
- At the end tie 2 holding cords with 1 Square knot without filler.
- Go to the bottom side of the stone. You fill find 1 long cord 90 cm. near the middle of bottom side, and short cord 30cm next to the left as in the picture. Use these 2 cords next.
- Tie vertical half hitch to the left (1 knot), long cord will be working cord, short cord will be holding cord. Then tie vertical half hitch to the right. You will get 1 thick line of vertical half hitch.
- Continuing to tie vertical half hitch left and right, altogether 10 knots, to make a line longer
- Thread 2.4 mm. bead into holding cord.
- Tie vertical half hitch to the left, and to the right. ( 2 knots)
- Thread 2.4 mm. bead into holding cord.
- Tie vertical half hitch more 6 knots ( left then right) or until the line can reach the point ( cord 1 in the picture)
- Use the same holding cord, Tie double half hitch bar (to the left) form 1-5 cord to connect this line with the Wing A
- Work on the Wing A
- Use the most left cord as a holding cord. Tie double half hitch bar (to the right) form 1-4 cord.
- At the end tie 2 middle cords with 1 Square knot without filler.
- Cut and burn 2 cords , the short cord at the middle and the most right cord(long cord) as in the picture.
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3. Wing B
- Tie 1 Square knot without filler with 2 middle cords, Then use this 2 cords as holding cord.
- On the left side, Tie double half hitch bar (to the left) form 1-2 cord. Then tying the same method with the right side.
- There will be 4 cords at the middle, tie them 1 square knot with 2 fillers.
- Then use same holding cord, On the left side, Tie double half hitch bar (to the right) form 1-2 cord. Then tying the same method with the right side.
- At the end tie 2 holding cords with 1 Square knot without filler.
- Use the most left and right cord as holding cord.
- On the left side, Tie double half hitch bar (to the right) form 1-4 cord. Then tying the same method with the right side.
- At the end tie 2 holding cords with 1 Square knot without filler.
- Skip the most right and left cords.
- Use 2 middle cords as a holding cord.
- On the left side, Tie double half hitch bar (to the left) form 1-3 cord. Then tying the same method with the right side.
- There will be 4 cords at the middle, tie them 1 square knot with 2 fillers.
- Then use same holding cord, On the left side, Tie double half hitch bar (to the right) form 1-3 cord. Then tying the same method with the right side.
- At the end tie 2 holding cords with 1 Square knot without filler.
- Skip the most right and left cord.
- Use 2 middle cords as a holding cord.
- On the left side, Tie double half hitch bar (to the left) form 1-2 cord. Then tying the same method with the right side.
- There will be 4 cords at the middle, tie them 1 square knot with 2 fillers.
- Then use same holding cord, On the left side, Tie double half hitch bar (to the right) form 1-2 cord. Then tying the same method with the right side.
- At the end tie 2 holding cords with 1 Square knot without filler.
Continuing the right wing! Same method Wing A+ Wing B
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- When everything finish, cut all left over cords and burn them, keep the burning spot at the end.