Small owl macrame necklace

  • I separate this owl macrame necklace pattern with 2 parts, owl part and necklace part
  • Before working this project you must  practice spiral half hitch, square knot and double haft hitch bar.(Horizontal haft hitch)

Materials :

necklace line pattern
  •  waxed cords (brown color) , 130 cm. long each (waxed cord no.3 /1 mm. thick),fold in a half
  • 6 small wooden beads and 30 brass beads for decorating . 

owl pattern
  • 8 waxed cords (nude color) , 70 cm. long each (waxed cord no.3 /1 mm. thick) fold in a half
  • 2 round sphere beads for eye.
  • 1 UFO shape bead for mouth.
  • 1 stick for owl standing.

Instructions: OWL part
  • Fold every cords into a half to start every thing at the middle.

  • Secure 4  brown cords(130 cm) horizontally. This is a holding cords for necklace line part.
  • Use 8 nude cords (70cm.) for and owl part. Tie larks head knot on necklace line part

You will now get 16 strands to work.

Separate them in 4 groups,each group contain 4 cords
  • Tying each group with square knot with 2 fillers.  You will get  4 square knots on the 1st row.
  • leave 2 leftest and rightest cords, and separate the rest 12 cords in 3 group, Then tie each group  with square knot.  You will get  3 square knots onthe 2nd row.

  • leave 4 leftest and rightest cords, and separate the rest 8 cords in 2 group, Then tie each group  with square knot.  You will get  2 square knots on the 3rd row.
  • Then tie 1 square knot on 4 cords at the middle of the work, You will get  1 square knot on the 4th row.

Separate cords into 2 groups, left group and right group
  • Tie the double half hitch bar to each group, the holding cord will be on the leftest and rightest. Make sure that each knot is closed to square knots above.

  • Put 2 cords in the middle into the UFO bead as in the picture.

  • Thread 2 beads for eye  into 2-5, 12-15 cord.

  • Separate cords into 2 side, left side and right side. Then tie the double half hitch bar to each side, the holding cord will be the middle cord of your work. 

  • Then continue  tying same double half hitch bar to each side, to make 5 bars each side.

  •  Tying 5 cord in a middle with square knots.

  • Leave 2 leftest and rightest cords, and separate the rest 12 cords in 2  groups, Then tie each group  with square knot. 

  • Bring 8,9 cord to the left and right side as in the right image, then put the stick in between the cords as in the left image.
  • Use 8,9 cord tying 2 square knots  around the rest of cords under the stick, to secure the stick firmly.

  • Then cut and burn 8,9 cords. and cut  the rest of cord to make it like a tail.


 Necklace line part

  • Tie 5 half hitch knots to make  spiral shape knot.
  • Thread 5 brass beads into leftest cord,  and thread a wooden bead into the rest 3 cords on the right.
  • then tie1 square knot to hold the beads together.

  • Continuing the same pattern, making 3 groups of wooden and brass beads.
  • At the end, tie 5 half hitch knots to make spiral shape again.

  • Then make the rest of necklace line with 4 cords braid.


You can practice  Big owl at


  1. Very lovely, thank u for such a detailed tutorial, greatly appreciated, greetings from Honduras

  2. Lindo e o melhor é que tem como fazer !!!! Obrigada

  3. Lindo e o melhor é que tem como fazer !!!! Obrigada

  4. Gracia amigo

  5. This is one of the cutest macrame owl patterns I've seen, and one I feel I can actually acccomplish. Thank you for sharing this. :-)

  6. Great tutorial!
    Sharing some more macrame owl patterns!

  7. This is one of the cutest macrame owl patterns I've seen, and one I feel I can actually acccomplish. Thanks for sharing! Here is my work:
    yin yang friendship necklace

  8. This is one of the cutest macrame owl patterns I've seen, and one I feel I can actually acccomplish. Thanks for sharing! Here is my work:
    yin yang friendship necklace

  9. Would you make this owl for me (the first one) and what would be the price. Thanks for your answer ? Warmest regards - Jocelyne

  10. Love your blog. Your items are beautiful and the tutorials
    are easy to understand. I am going to share you in my group page on FB. Thank you!

  11. Vielen Dank für diese tolle Anleitung.
